WHOLEHEARTED ENGAGEMENT WITH MY CIRCUMSTANCES RELEASES MY IRREPRESSIBLE LIVELINESS! Rec: How To Be An Adult by David Richo (where the declarations are from) not your average self-help book (photo is soo tiny lol but if you click it should enlarge)
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Apr 21, 2024

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Currently have three full pages in my notebook! I guess some might call this a gratitude journal LOL but it’s different when I do it.  My brother was telling me about this phenomenon called “target fixation”. It’s a panic reflex that happens when motorcyclists become fixated on a singular object, obstacle, hazard (e.g. a sharp curve on a winding road) and they will unconsciously steer in the direction of the thing they’re trying to avoid because their hands follow their gaze which leads to accidents.  You will follow your gaze so be aware of where you’re looking. Train yourself to seek out pleasure and appreciation! Understanding where + what you derive pleasure from increases your capacity to enjoy things which in turn makes you a more interesting person (imo). I think it’s just as important self-knowledge as understanding your triggers/trauma. It is a daily willingness to be transformed by small things. Sorry for lecturing but I want good things for all of you. Xoxo, meg
Mar 29, 2024