thinking about Frankenstein as a story of birth, motherhood, & loss. really makes me rethink a lot that happens in the story & what Shelley was going through at the time. here's a link to a really cool article that discusses a lot of really neat reinterpretations of the novel.
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Apr 21, 2024

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She's a textbook baddie in my book tbh. Her paintings are powerful, dramatic, emotional, and fierce. A lot of them center around powerful biblical women in representations that weren't common for the time (one of the most popular is Susanna and the Elders). I adore her representation of angry women <3 Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting (1638-1639)
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Haven't finished the manga yet but im in love <3 currently in the midst of maybe having my first romantic relationship & reading this at the same time makes me all warm and fuzzy! the newly released volumes are soooo gorgeous (very excited for volumes 3 & 4). recommend if you're into well-dressed characters, friends to lovers, & being young & in love)
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