damn freud really came for me on this one: “Deprived of comfort and security from the earliest age onward, you learned that the world was a cynical place where independence and tough-mindedness were needed in order to thrive. Embittered with your parents' failure to provide you with basic love and security in childhood, you developed a facility for 'biting' remarks. One reason that you are so verbally aggressive is that you are frustrated with others, feeling that no one really understands you.” 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴
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Apr 23, 2024

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(anti-rec lmao) how come no one else has this one yet🤥 “You are meticulous at your job, a hard worker, and more competent at what you do than most. But your accomplishments come at a price: Inwardly you are beset by incessant worrying and prone to punish yourself in your thoughts when you make a mistake. To avoid the dread of being in error, you establish firm rules and fixed procedures that it takes considerable effort and persuasion to get you to deviate from.”
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