did i buy tickets to three different out of town shows scheduled for this week? this, the last week of the semester when i have no fewer than THIRTY-FIVE pages worth of papers to write and four final exams to take and iā€˜m still working at my job full time? yes. yes i did. although my ill-advised confidence is likely due to the caffeine and hastily-purchased adderall that is coursing through my veins, i think i can do it. and if nothing else, goddammit, iā€˜m going to sleep like a carefree baby when this is all said and done. hereā€™s to the foolhardy plans of overachievers. šŸ»
Apr 23, 2024

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ITS ALL OVER NOW BABY!!!!! a couple of tests etc etc if u donā€™t know the stuff by now u never will. not that iā€™m so excited to take the tests, hell no thatā€™s gross. but the semester is over and this rough stuff will make christmas feel that much better ugh i gotta study. maybe this is just me pretending im being productive. i have a test tomorrow. biz law. but i have no cookies and wine which i need in order to study. the wine works cuz relaxation and the cookies trick the brain into thinking ur having a good time.
Dec 11, 2024
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STUDY SPOTS I mainly studied at my universities library. In their B.Y.O.D(device) area. Its an area where they have these massive monitors you can plug your laptop. IN: dual monitors OUT: eye fatigue My next study spot was a cafe in my area. It had a very lowkey cozy vibe, with diner style cushy booths, that made studying comfortable. It was way better than my previous cafe study spot, a very hipster-esque spot ā€” I always had trouble finding a spot to sit, and the tables there were always wobbly. Uncool. IN: lowkey diveā€˜y cafes OUT: places that do nitro cold brew STUDY TOOLS My usual study technique is re-writing all my notes in notion, until they are beautifully colour-coded and perfect. I refuse to use google docs or word for my notes, it makes them so un-interesting. Asides from my notion antics, I did something I donā€™t usually do ā€” I wrote things out by hand. I bought a couple great pens, and a legal pad, and got to jotting things down so they would stay in my brain. I wouldnā€™t call it note taking per se, because I never referred to my chickenscrach filled papers again. I simply used it to write things out in a way where I would have to slow down and grasp the concept, rather than typing it at my 80 WPM speed. I ended up really liking using a legal pad, I felt very cool and mysterious. IN: legal pads OUT: google docs STUDY SNACKS/BEVS Everyone knows that when itā€™s finals week, money doesnā€™t matter. You can spare any expense to ensure youā€™re fuelled with caffeine and nutrition. I honestly ate like sh*t throughout finals. The DQ on campus was a nightly spot. For beverages, I love a Celsius, thatā€™s what fuelled me through. Also a double shot iced americano with a splash of oat milk I did also drink bone broth every morning for that hit of protein. Im not much of a study snacker, at the library ā€” because I think opening up a nature valley granola bar and spilling it all over the shared desks is a bit of a rookie move. IN: americanos OUT: nature valley granola bar STRESS CONTROL You gotta look out for your mental during finals. Performance anxiety is the devil. Avoid it. Work hard. But not too hard. Donā€™t study in your bedroom ā€“ itā€™s important to have a space where you feel completely detached from school. I also did a šŸ„ trip with friends on the weekend during finals. I wouldnā€™t say it helped or harmed me. It really did just give me a much needed break. Donā€™t pull all nighters ā€” it fucks your brain up bad. trust meā€¦ I know. Remind yourself that itā€™s not the end of the world if you donā€™t do well. Keep motivated. I watched a Tokyo Toni motivational speech video multiple times a day during finals (she speaks some truth). The best way to approach finals is to embrace airport culture: -No time norms at an airport, itā€™s open 24hrs, so is your universityā€™s library. Treat an early studying session at the library like an early flight to catch; wear your PJs, get some fast food breakfast, and power through. -People survive the hell of travelling/the airport cause they know a vacation is the reward; you can survive the hell of studying/the library because you know winter break is your reward. -You miss your flight? Stressful. But thereā€™s always another one. You fail your final? Stressful, but you can always retake the course. IN: airport culture OUT: bed rot studying ā€¦ these are just some of my tips, and I hope they help. ###
Dec 27, 2024
i have been in university for seven consecutive semesters and i just took this one off to work (fun work, donā€™t worry). i feel great and iā€™m actually excited about the upcoming fall sem. i was worried that i would get bored or that i would fall behind if i took one off, but having a job helped both of those things as well, since i got to teach and be busy every day. itā€™s especially important if youā€™re taking five/six classes every semester, because it takes a lot out of you to do that. taking a break will also help you prep for the next year and will most likely improve your academic performance too. good luck!
Aug 12, 2024

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not to be a shill for capitalism but feels great to wake up on pay day fridays! the world is my oyster! iā€™m bringing coffee in for my coworkers!
Jan 31, 2025
my husband and i have a white board on the fridge where we keep a list going of twenty movies that we want to watch. when it's time to watch a movie we roll a twenty-sided die and watch whatever number it is. then we alternate filling the spot we emptied. it's complex but it's eliminated hours worth of discussions about what we should watch.
Apr 18, 2024