or roughly 70s, includes late 60s to early 80s. rosemarys baby, wicker man, basically all british folk horror actually (pendas fen is a fave), cronenberg (any era of his or his sons though... including currently), argento (i looove phenomena), possession, hausu (english title: house)...
recommendation image
Apr 24, 2024

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lots of great recs here, but if you want horror that is more based in storytelling and has a bit more on its mind than just slashers or gore you should check out folk horror or older horror films from the 60s/70s. as others have recommended, The Wicker Man (1973) is a must. Rosemary’s Baby (1968) is also a classic. The VVitch (2015) is also fantastic as an intro to more conceptual horror. you said you wanted deeper cuts, so check out Viy (1967) or Alucarda (1977), both of which i’ve posted more detailed recs for on my profile. also!!!! i don’t know how you feel about silent/b&w films but Nosferatu (1922) is an all-time genre mainstay that still holds up. Ari Aster’s work is great but it’s probably more gruesome than you’re looking for. have fun!!!
Apr 24, 2024
stoker, the beguiled (2017), suspiria (1977), the witch, sleepy hollow, nosferatu: a symphony of horror, nosferatu the vampyre, pans labyrinth, the others, rosemary's baby, the others, the love witch, jane eyre (2011), a girl walks home alone at night, neon demon, the hunger (1983), the haunting of julia / full circle. these are all varying degrees of gothic and horror. some are set more within a contemporary sphere that encapsulates less of the gothic horror but feel somewhat aligned - such as the love witch & neon demon.
Suspiria (the OG 70's version) is such a good avante garde horror film to introduce urself to that side of cinema And Hereditary (a big big personal favorite of mine) and Men (another avant garde film but from 2023)!
Apr 24, 2024

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