dream vacation would be to just travel throughout the states and take as many pictures of them as i can. the ones with JESUS written on the roofs. the ones with foreboding messages on the signs. the culty ones. i want it all
I'm not even sure that America is real but I love the fictional small towns; Stars Hollow, Twin Peaks, Rosewood, Forks and Mystic falls. I want to take a road trip one day and just visit them all :o
I’m microdosing moving out of my state by visiting places I both like and can afford to live in. There are so many pockets of the U.S. that are beautiful and attainable. My latest fav is southwest Wisconsin. Bucolic as hell with amazing restaurants.
i do not need to start a podcast
i do not need to start a substack
my tits are regular sized
my hair is perfectly healthy and i should keep bleaching it
i know how to talk and i am normal