just a simple phone recording can be a good start. the most important thing is to have a good song and the best songs can be conveyed with a guitar/piano and vocals. The rest is just ear candy
Apr 24, 2024

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plug all your friends' instruments/mics into a mixer and then plug the output of that mixer into an audio interface hooked up to a computer to record it into a DAW. or just plop a handheld recorder in the middle of the room and let it ride. or just huddle really close around someone's phone recording on voice memos. depends how much gear you have. as far as rules, i'd say treat it like improv theater/comedy. don't say no to any idea, just "yes, and-"
Feb 5, 2025
if you want to hear a certain song sometimes you gotta make it first (as an added bonus this usually takes 100+ tries)
I started doing this when I was a performing musician and found it was the best way to fix technique, but it is super helpful generally for fixing whatever material you have to present in front of people: presentations, speeches, intro statements, things like that. Set up your phone for video or just audio, do your thing, watch it back, note every time you look or sound insane, fix it, film it over again. It’s based on the heuristic that our critical mechanism is by nature more developed than our creative mechanism, so it is much easier to respond to an existing thing than to conjure something out of nothing inside your mind. I know it is cringe, but avoid at your own social peril.
Feb 5, 2024

Top Recs from @zachthesnack

It may not seem like much, but it really makes a difference. Set a daily reminder on your phone to do it. Nothing more satisfying than getting rid of that noti when you’re done each day 💪
Apr 24, 2024
this one sticks with u for a while lol
Apr 24, 2024
and that’s okay! if you’re proud of your work, share it. it will connect with some people and not with others. I’ve had to deal with that uncertainty when my band has put out music. It sucks when some people don’t respond favorably, but it’s impossible to please everyone. At the end of the day, if you’re happy with what you created, that’s the most important thing.
Apr 26, 2024