When you’re in a slump, you’re in a slump. Let yourself feel things. The good and the bad. I welcome them like a visitor and I invite them at the pretend dinner table in my head and get to know them, and I try not to ask them why they’re here. Why I feel things. I just let them be. Know that this will pass, just like a person visiting for a few nights and I try not to hold on to them when they’re ready to leave (yes those feelings will pass). Sounds very cliché but they do. From my experience, the longer I fight the sadness/depression/slump, the longer it stays. I’ve learned just to take it day by day. This wouldn’t be possible without months of therapy where it was revealed to me that I’ve been so hard on myself almost my entire life. I also meditate every night for 15-20 minutes. I take this activity so seriously, just a few minutes to close my eyes and release the tension I’ve felt the whole day. I love staying still. I love to close my eyes and think of nothing. My drive will come back. What also helps (for me) is taking a few minutes a day to go outside and letting the sun touch my skin. It feels so good. Listen to the birds. Listen to the traffic. Just observe your surroundings and remember that there is life outside you and you are a part of something big and eventually you get inspired by something. May it be small or big. It will come back to you. Be gentle and kind to yourself <3
Apr 25, 2024

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Not on an emotional level - that seems impossible sometimes. Rather physically. Remind yourself you‘re attached to a body. Remind yourself you can experience the world around you. For instance, splash your face with cold water, multiple times. If you‘re cold, let warm water run over your wrists, it warms you up quick. Put yourself out there in the (chilly) wind and/or sun. Either open a window and stick your head out or - if you can get yourself to do that - really go outside for a walk. Could be a quick five minute stroll or an extensive one. Also helps clearing your head of any noise. Reconnect with nature while you‘re at it. Just touch your environment. Do it. Touch the leaves you pass by, touch the tree branches, step into puddles, pick up flowers, blow a dandelion. If you have the opportunity, (if you‘re living near a farm or similar) pet animals. Those things usually help me regain a bit of positivity or any (positive) feeling of being human at all. Hope this helps, slumps suck, but there‘s better days ahead. After all flowers need rain to grow, no? 💐
Jan 24, 2025
i’ve been where you are now. i hate to use the word gratitude journaling or whatever but truly taking time to find and appreciate the small bits of goodness in your day can work wonders. sometimes we are so caught up in our own worlds that we forget we are only one small part of something bigger than ourselves. be present and attune yourself to your senses. find moments that bring you a sense of joy and wonder or even just things that went right today. so much of our feelings of sadness are because we’re trying to escape the present, and the paradox is that being present is what will bring us out of that sadness.
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