i love the way asks blossom into fond memories and recs remind us of those passing thoughts from moments of solitude. we get to share that excitement unabashedly! i think this is a beautiful place, i’m taking off my shoes and getting comfy
extremely comforting to have a social media platform where the prevailing emotion is love and enthusiasm, wonderful to see everything my friends love and wonderful to express the love in my heart to like-minded souls
I’m enjoying this little app. No clue how long we’ll all be here for (on earth, the app, etc) but I’m enjoying seeing the things people like and sharing the things I like 🌟 💫
- my lore is interesting
- people enjoy being around me
- my anecdotes are unique
- i don’t scare people
- my best is actually good
- i can perform hard tasks
- my confidence isn’t a facade
- i am a bundle of joy