i imagine myself in a desert wearing a suit, and the thought is lit up in big neon lights, under an oil black sky. and i shoot it to fucking pieces , my gun gleaming in my hands And it works some of the time . Lately when I feel like I need sanctuary I go to ihop. For awhile the one by my house was only open til 9. 9 o clock! That’s unreal. How about my shift ends at 8 and I wanna wallow for 2 hours, write in my diary like some feverish lunatic and drink neverending coffee? But it’s back to midnight, so that rules. The closest 24 hour diner is in Seattle (also an ihop) but it’s usually packed , even on a weekday. i think the emptiness of a diner makes All the difference. Im too scared of church, so ihop’s the next best thing.
Apr 25, 2024

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