in charlotte. it’s a perfect dive bar. dirty, bras tacked up on the walls, a hot pink bathroom, a non-digital jukebox that regularly has a billion pre-loaded credits for whoever to play whatever. and on top of all that, it’s a spite building in the middle of ugly modern apartments. i have considered moving to charlotte just so i could make this my regular bar. my hometown trash bar is my other favorite: slammer’s. it’s a tiny windowless box where you are equally likely to witness a drunken brawl or the entire bar singing along to “party in the USA” PLUS the gal’s bathroom is two toilets in one room with like, a tiny half wall so you can drunkenly hold hands while you pee with your friend. i have not done this but i‘d like to think that it’s an appeal for a certain kind of person.
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Apr 26, 2024

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When the real estate developers came knocking, the owners refused to sell, and the developers had to just build around em it’s everything it looks like and more. i had the best bar makeout probably of my entire life here (May 2021 — just after my 2nd dose of the covid vaccine reached maximum potency). i wish i still lived in Charlotte just to go to this bar
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I love Trina’s for a group of friends! Right outside of Inman sq, great cocktails, friendly bar tenders- cool but not stuffy! They have really good food too if you need some nourishment. Second State Park- it’s not a dive, but it looks like a Midwest dive and also has great food, a jukebox, and a Photo Booth next to the pinball on the right. I was there a few weeks ago and there was a line around 9- it does get busy! There’s this cocktail bar on the second floor of a building in central, havent been in years but it was very dark and cool - brick and mortar! I have no idea what it’s like now, but the bartenders used to play vinyl.
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