Hi! I recently went through this as well. I haven’t been to an interview in three years, so I had to freshen up. I think researching the position within the company is so important. It’s important to ask questions because it shows how much more interested you are about them, like questions about your position that are not too obvious on the application page. You should pick some of the job objectives and show how your skills can contribute to that specifically. Make connections with that job and also have specific reasons on why you would like to work there. Also, three questions to ask them in the end! 1) What do they like about their job? 2) Why do they like working for this company? 3) What are they looking for in a person to successfully fill in the role you’re interviewing for? Hope this helps!
Apr 28, 2024

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You’re also interviewing them to see if you wanna work there. Ask questions about the company’s goals and plans and working styles. Find out about the culture from people working there (even better if you can ask them to speak to additional people not on the hiring panel, provided you make it to final stages). Ask people stuff that gets at the kind of working environment it would be for you: when was the last time they took vacation and how often do they? How does the company prefer to communicate? Is it a meeting heavy culture? Etc etc etc, just ask whatever you can to get a sense of whether you’d be happy in this environment say 18 months.
Jul 5, 2024
you are interviewing them as much as they are interviewing you. they are not doing you a favor, you earned the opportunity to provide value to their org. make them fear losing out on having you as an employee. research the company as much as possible. find details relevant to your role. Be careful with what information you tell them and what you exclude because those will be questions they ask you later. if you get nervous before you go in: breathe in for 4 sec, hold it for 4 sec, and breathe out for 4 sec. good luck
May 11, 2024
Tbh I feel like finding a job you like is mostly self awareness and knowing that it’s still going to feel like a job A few questions that Might help: 1. think about past work experience - who has your favorite supervisor been? Why? Same for least favorite - what did they do that you absolutely could not stand? 2. Think about morals - do you want to find ~meaning~ at work or is it more important to have stability and freetime? 3. Think about past coworkers - do you like working alone? On a team? Is it important to be around people during the work day? 4. Think about what you get satisfaction out of in your personal life - is your grocery list organized by aisle? are you the mediator in your friend group? While hobbies might play into this, try and think beyond them try and translate some of your answers into something you’d find on a job description. Maybe this exercise won’t be helpful but thinking about work like this has helped me land in a job I like Myself as example: I like organization, having autonomy, having my voice heard, and ~believing~ in the work I do. I also get bored at work quickly. This originally led me to social work where I quickly got burnt out With 24/7 work. I’m in continuing Ed administration where I work a 9-5 ~10 months of the year and have 1-2 very hectic months and that works really well for me.
Feb 16, 2024