For the past 2 years, I have been trying to not spend my birthday the way that we're "supposed to (ya know a party, a dinner, the whole thing), but I've always had friends who have always wanted me to do something on it, and I'm so burned out now. But I'm so excited to just say NO and spend the day by myself!!! Idk what imma do but I'm pumped
Apr 29, 2024

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my partner is overseas so i’m embracing spending my birthday alone today and indulging in little luxuries i.e. morning walk to grab my fave iced latte, making a fancy breakfast, getting dressed nice just for me, maybe taking myself out to dinner later. happy birthday to me!
May 21, 2024
hey! I spent numerous of my birthdays alone, so here's what worked for me 1. make a playlist of your favourite songs. literally every song you ever liked from when you were 10 to now. 2. go to your favourite place, but if you don't have one then just go to a park or a museum. I love people watching while listening to music. 3. book a spa day. that one I haven't tried but sounds fun. spa is better in solitude anyway. 4. eat your favourite food. honestly a game changer lol food is the most amazing thing we as species have created. 5. do something you enjoyed as a kid. painting, blowing bubbles, making sand castles. it makes you feel so good, like you're reconnecting with something that's been asleep deep inside you. 6. if you're not scared to talk to strangers then talk with someone you don't know. at a pub or in a line. could be fun. happy early birthday!
May 17, 2024
one of the most memorable birthdays i have had is a surprise birthday for my 18th or 21st and i absolutely hated it. i appreciated the effort my family went through to do it but it was my literal nightmare. my birthday tradition is to spend it doing whatever i want and not feel bad about it. if that means spending an obscene amount of money on shoes i've been lusting after, heck yeah i'll do it. if that means spending the entire day at the cinemas, you bet i'm there. if that means going out with my friends or travelling, yeah i'm doing it. and sometimes i actually just don't feel like doing anything at all and that is sometimes a vibe too. i think sometimes we are put under pressure to celebrate our birthdays in a certain way with others or throw parties but if that isn't authentic to you or you just don't feel like it, your birthday should be the one day of the year that you can do whatever you want.
Jan 8, 2025

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