Love these shoes. I got into walking/running back in September for health and these shoes have travelled with me everywhere. Very comfortable.
Apr 30, 2024

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I went to my local Fleet Feet and got my feet analyzed last summer! They recommended these shoes to me for walking as well as going a full size up because your feet swell as you move/as the day goes on. The foot scan also told me that I apply more pressure on the front of my foot when I walk and I totally notice it now, so getting a larger size is a must for me! I've worn my Hokas for 139 days (I use a wardrobe tracking app) and they are still good but I'm noticing their wear, so I recently got the Asics. The Asics are super cushy, which is weird to get used to at first but really comfortable! I recommend both types, but also to get your feet scanned if that's available by you :)
Jul 11, 2024

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