A few weeks ago I was scrolling on Tik Tok and came upon one of those no likes / no bookmarks / (probably) no views videos. It was a guy in his 70’s doing reviews of sodas he liked and this one was about the Pepsi Nitro Draft flavor. I scrolled past it since it wasn’t anything I cared for…and then felt compelled to go back and comment. I don’t know what exactly moved me to, but I began typing about how when I tried that soda I didn’t love it but I appreciated something new. Maybe 3 minutes later I got a comment back, and I proceeded to reply back and forth for a dozen or so comments. At the end of the interaction he thanked me and said that it meant a lot that I’d take the time to engage. I clicked on his account and he had made roughly 50 or so videos, almost all of which had no comments or views. Made me sad to think that this was someone’s dad who was just trying to share his hobby and takes online but wasn’t getting any intersections. Naturally I went and watched them all, left a few comments, a cried (only a little).
It’s so easy to scroll past videos and photos and online posts and ignore them, even on here, because they don’t interest us. But someone made that online post, and put thought into it and posted it with the idea that someone would probably engage with it. I know it’s silly, but it did make me sad to think that guy kept posting without any interaction. And it hit me just then how it cost me absolutely nothing to reply and make that guy’s night, and maybe even his whole week.
Takeaway: Slow down and toss some interaction towards people online. You don’t have to fake it either; my comment was just my take on the soda, and that was enough. I think in this digital age maybe leaving a like or comment is equivalent to holding the door for someone or saying ‘bless you’ irl — common decency and kindness. It goes a long way. And it might just make someone’s day, and that’s worth a few minutes of your time.