For the last 20 years I completely ignored the orange tree in the backyard of my studio because my backyard was the front yard of the guy who rented the back house. But now Iā€™m that guy, so the orange tree is all mine.Ā  Itā€™s almost completely replaced the internet for me. Youā€™ve got the bright orange dots, like out of a painting of California, and the drama of the squirrels running away with the oranges. Then thereā€™s the hummingbirds, who I have trouble playing it cool around, I just stare and stare. And now: orange blossoms! That smell like sexy beautiful perfume! I keep cutting off sprigs and sending them off with guests.
Apr 30, 2024

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Planted on purpose but they do grow natively in the wildā€¦ Yellow Honeysuckle (top) and Sweet Black-Eyed Susan (bottom). Every time I went out I had to smell them both they are so delightfully fragrant. And Moonflower/Datura of Erowid fame donā€™t do thatā€¦ but she is so beautiful glamorous and mysterious and the blooms only come out at night
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Iā€™ve been using scrubby gloves on every inch of my body for last 25 years, ever since independent curator Astria Supark said ā€œtheyā€™re really good for getting into all the nooks and crannies.ā€ For only a few bucks you can be completely smooth and polished at all times. Before taking them off I like to say, ā€œHey everybody, itā€™s me, Mickey Mouse!ā€ in a special mouse voice, which some people thought was funny the first few times. (Because Mickey Mouse also wears gloves.)
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Apr 30, 2024
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