Something about the autotune vocals makes it hit so much harder, it feels inhuman and detached and somehow because of that it feels way more connective
Apr 30, 2024

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i know it's august, but it's so easy for me to slip into a gloomy fall mood any time of year and as such, i've had this song on repeat. i'm a big sucker for strong lyricism and this song is no exception. the fact that she takes you on this journey about the death of a relationship she's in by literally opening the song with "Pull the plug in September, I don't wanna die in June" is so poignant yet beautiful. ALSO, the gunshot right after she says "I'll hang on 'til the chaos is through" is perfectly incorporated and really the cherry on top given the subject matter of the song. if you're looking to feel the sonic embodiment of a lonesome autumn in the form of a song, give this track a listen.

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I’m taking a class on this mf. I know he’s probably talked about way too much but he is such a fascinating combo of being deeply introspective and then wildly funny. The way he writes about sleep and memory and longing is real as fuck. I’ll probably be sick of him by the end of this semester because it’s thousands of pages of reading but for now I am in love.
Feb 5, 2024
Physical letters aren't just for corny love notes and eviction notices! They can be a really good way of communicating things that are too long for texting but too personal to say aloud. I feel like the convenience of texting can be deceptively dishonest, it’s often more genuine to let something bleed out on a page. It also just feels cool as fuck to write one, I like to imagine I’m some aristocrat main character in a period piece. Maybe light a candle if you want to be extra pretentious.
Jan 27, 2024