the tim buckley one is gorgeous and a fixed classic but this cover sounds like astral projecting, mind boggling stuff.
kangaroo off this album is also a mental cover, no skips
while it’s almost impossible for me to pick a fav record of theirs, this one might be my most played. almost no drums which leaves ample space for robin guthrie‘s gooey reverb guitar and elizabeth fraser’s vocals to fill the space. i can’t help but feel instantly hypnotized whenever this song comes on, equal parts ethereal, spooky, whimsical, and heavy. despite not knowing what her lyrics actually mean you can’t help but intuitively understand the vibe
such a gorgeous album, somewhere in between familiar shoegaze and UK trip hop. the siren vocals, the massive attack beats, the field recordings. perfect album. i’ll be at the philly ortliebs show end of march, probably solo probably weeping but in very dignified and compelling way
one of the many american foods perfected in the 1960s. once someone at my work caught the toaster on fire trying to toast one of these, I’m not sure what went wrong but I wish they had burned the building down
goated app, browser is even better. i love the internet, i learn so much on it. 00s nordic emo and techno? 70s hindi psychodelia? mazurka, norteño, kendeng, c pop?
also nod to radio garden, less tailored, more fun
feeling depressed insomniac constipated nauseous? you can always buy a supplement about it. does it have a name like a russian spacecraft? was it harvested in the gobi desert? good signs. you might be missing a precious amino and you don’t even know. I haven’t found the little pill that’ll fix me *yet* but when I do you’ll all be sorry