I remember a friend texting me after work and just saying "hey you wanna see this movie?" I didn't watch a trailer or anything and had no idea what to expect from it. It is one of the best moviegoing experiences I've ever had. It was amazing.
May 1, 2024

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I had zero idea what this movie was about. I had never heard of it. Hadn't watched a trailer. Didn't know the director either. Went with my friend and his mom. The whole audience was fully engaged. Silence, gasps, applause at the credits, and we all loitered outside the theater trying to process what we just experienced.
May 1, 2024
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Some of my favorite movie-going experiences weren’t ones I was looking forward to for months but ones where a friend had an extra ticket or someone said “you would like this” and I went in totally blind. Specifically, last night I saw “Ash Is Purest White” followed by a q&a with director Jia Zhangke. A great film with an absolutely knock out lead performance by Zhao Tao. I didn’t know any of these names before last night. Take a chance!
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then watching the trailer post, reliving all the fun [or not] times you just had. Did this recently with Anatomy of a Fall and wow, would have been a completely different [bad] experience if I had seen the trailers first.

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