Got to see a midnight screening of The Shining at the Angelika when I was in high school. So so cool experiencing movies that came out like 20 years before you were born in a theater with other people 🫢 tied with Donnie Darko (also a midnight screening) - watched this movie many times on a laptop so the big screen was an upgrade. also it came out when I was like 2 years old so i was super excited to get to watch it in a theater and pretend it was 2001
May 1, 2024

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i did this recently and felt super weird in a good way.
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Maybe not *the best* but it was certainly one of the more enjoyable movie theater experiences I’ve had. December 2019, went to a 6pm weekday showing on a whim after a friend called me to see if I could go. I knew next to nothing about the plot, didn’t realize the whole thing would be in black and white and screened in an almost-square aspect ratio, yet was enthralled for every second of it. Turned out to be the last movie I saw in theaters pre-pandemic.
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On a medieval history binge on YT and this video is super interesting for many reasons but my biggest takeaway was the insane priests of medieval Prague who had several recorded complaints against them including: 1. A priest who was running a brothel from his home 2. A priests who got in trouble for continuously seeing a prostitute but said it was okay bc he paid her immediately after and made her leave 3. A priests gets caught in a brothel and doesn’t want to get arrested so runs naked through the streets back to the parish then they would tell their parishioners not to have sex at Sunday mass 💀 so I guess men still had the audacity literally 1000 years ago
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