This woman (and my willingness to participate) has singlehandedly made me the strongest I’ve ever been in my life. She posts new workout videos almost every day, focusing primarily on strength training and some cardio. In the videos, she works out with you the entire time and encourages you along the way, in a way that I find actually really helpful. I used to always pick and choose which videos I wanted to do based on my mood (usually a 30-40 minute full body one) but recently I’ve been keeping up with her current training program (prime) and it’s been amazing. I highly recommend her because she’s so strength and mental health focused rather than body focused which is most of what I’ve seen on Youtube for working out. I’ve been doing her workouts for probably 2 years now?? And don’t plan to stop soon. It’s so dumb but I really do think of her as my own personal trainer lol she’s the best!!!
May 2, 2024

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