“All those heavily roided finance bros tenderly imagining what the other might want, these deep empaths trying to conjure your desires before you've even formulated them yourself. Che vuoi? What do you want? Is it equity in Tesla at $850 a share? Is that what your heart desires?”
May 2, 2024

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I've been really into watching YC videos on how to start and run a successful tech start up after learning more about them during the whole OpenAI debacle. I'm like 60% sure I don't want to start my own company any time soon but it's still really interesting to me to hear about how these people think and a lot of does really apply to any corporate/tech job in general. (I do feel conflicted though because I'm sure most of these people are cash grab capitalists trying to get rich quick and are insufferable to talk to IRL tho, but sometimes they do say interesting stuff I haven't thought of before and agree with)
Feb 9, 2024
I can’t personally advocate but it seems really cool
Dec 4, 2023
Preying on insecurities is morally repulsive, but it does offer some of the most appealing packaging; scratch offs, energy drinks, gas station dick pills. Some shit screaming at you in all caps reading MONEY TIME and you think, “yeah, maybe my life can change too”. And even if we all know that its promise is hollow, just being in the presence of such boldness is comforting.
Mar 12, 2024

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