i still find all the best shit from youtube autoplay tbh. what i do is look up the sample when i find a song i like, and then go youtube autoplay from the sample source material, found a lot of random records that way. or just songs you like + autoplay. also youtube basically showed me all of my favourite rappers tbh

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I’ve found a ton of songs by looking up a song i like on youtube and seeing what the algorithm plays next!
Feb 7, 2025
whenever i hear a song i like i always look it up on this website and probably 80% of the time it leads to me discovering even more really cool music i most likely wouldn't have looked into or found otherwise a recent example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Zl_fWNhPPM&pp=ygUYanVsaWEgbGFuZyB3ZXN0c2lkZSBndW5u and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qONW-2EhDbo&pp=ygUVZGltYW5jaGUgc29pciBqdWRpcXVl
don’t sleep on the youtube algorithm. watch some cool music videos and let autoplay do the rest.
Apr 17, 2024

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literally every single series has been great so far except BOS/MIA & CLE/ORL. we really in for a treat
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