Summer salads are So Easy and people go crazy for anything that mixes greens and fruit. My go-tos are arugula/strawberries/blue cheese/balsamic or watermelon/basil/feta/balsamic
hear me out ~~~ this salad i made is actually so refreshing and i haven’t wanted to eat vegetables other than caesar salad in a month— snap peas, radishes, mint, basil, a lil lemon juice and sea salt and olive oil. top w feta. yay
Changed my flavour profile! My friend did this insanely delicious salad for lunch once-arugula, some other leafy green I can't remember now, green grapes, feta, quinoia, balsamic vinegar honey dressing (maybe?), a squeeze of lemon, and chopped nuts.
This was going to be oatmeal, then was going to be a mug cake, then reached its final form as pancakes. You can literally fry anything resembling a batter
Anyone who knows me knows I love a theme. I threw my boyfriend a Phoenix Suns-themed party for his 22nd using a kit I found on Amazon and it was randomly the best thing ever