I write lyrics/poems/prose/essays/the occasional substack/text based art/performance art and the most successful process I've found works for me is just 'hold a pen and hope that it happens'. I can't get any real ideas done on a laptop (my substacks are all drafted in bullet points by hand first). I don't write every day because I don't have the energy or time or enough that is important to say. I only write when I really get the urge in my fingertips and then I get my notebook and just open the page and get whatever out I can. Sometimes it's an idea I've been mulling over that finally comes out and others it's just nonsense sentences that eventually form something. Basically my advice if you're struggling to get started is just whenever you think you want to do it, just hold a pen and a blank piece of paper and just do it. Maybe it'll be brilliant from the off. First lines are hard so don't worry about it if it's not, fourth lines are where it gets good. I definitely produce 70/30 shit/good writing and that's okay because who's reading it?? Also sometimes you go back a few months later and realise that what you thought was terrible was actually great all along it just needed a different context!
May 3, 2024

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When I'm stuck or seem to lack motivation, I often force myself to start putting words on paper. I just grab a notebook — not a digital device, gotta eliminate escapes and distractions — and start writing. Even if it it begins with "I don't know what the hell to write," at least I'm writing. Eventually it goes somewhere.
Oct 16, 2024
i dont know if this will be helpful. Or confusing. But when i experience writers block i like to live with it (?) i think that its natural and you have to ride the wave. i think art comes to you. Not the other way around. Yes it is fun to create. but inspiration must naturally strike I would get an ounce of an idea and i would push it and stress over completing it. And then get so frustrated And then its not fun anymore. but now when i get an idea i transfer it to a physical medium and once i get stuck, i leave it alone. Until it comes back to me again. Or not at all. And that’s ok too. Not everything has to be completed Keeping creative endeavors in the back of your mind can let them marinate and get nice and lovely. easier said than done but try not to get discouraged that you’re not writing right now. There is some kind of beauty in its absence
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when i first started writing lyrics years ago, stream of conscious writing was a great exercise. i wrote nonstop gibberish, random rhymes, or words until i filled up a page or two from there i would then highlight anything that seemed interesting to expand upon - this can work in any writing field really... i also love the notes app - any idea that comes into my head goes down there. great mini diary or thought collage to get the idea out whenever something comes to mind whenever wherever as far as what to write about, that’s difficult to answer but i feel like these tools are a great entry point because its a casual low pressure way to get the juices flowing
Mar 23, 2024

Top Recs from @caskeyc

1. Don't set an alarm and wake up naturally. Snooze for however long you want to, it's okay 2. Have breakfast. For me it's toast. Have it with butter/jam/honey and a lot of water and coffee and juice. 3. Listen to an album in full and do some puzzles until it ends. I like to stick a record on and do the nyt games (connections, then wordle, then the mini, then I'm ready for a crossword) 4. Shower and use all your best stuff. Smell great. Make your hair feel soft. 5. Wear an outfit you don't get to wear that often. I tend to wear the same thing over and over at work so I wear something a bit more fun and less practical. 6. Go outside. I live near a road with secondhand shops that are great browsing but quite tempting on a budget. To beat the temptation just look in the windows and then walk round the streets or to a green space if it's a nice day. Walk as fast or as slow as you like. Try and spot cats that might let you stroke them. See how each place you go smells different. Walk down streets that you've not been down before just because. 7. Come home and decide how much energy you have. If you have energy do an activity (I would write, play an instrument, do some art, read, play a game) if you don't then watch something from your watchlist. Saturdays feel like a good day to watch something new. 8. Cook yourself a meal. Start before you're hungry and spend ages on it. Use every pot. Listen to music. Sing whilst you wash the dishes. 9. Play! Video games, board games, internet games, card games, phone games, rearrange your plushies, embrace your inner child. Play with ideas, experiment with felt tip pens, write a limerick. Get silly with it. 10. Talk to your friends. Invite them over, call somebody up, text that person back you didn't have time to. I like to spend a good day off by myself then have a great time talking to people after I've recharged. 11. Have so much fun getting to do whatever you want you fall asleep at whatever time. Monday - Friday is about appeasing your body clock, Saturdays are for filthy pleasures like falling asleep at 3am because you were too busy flirting or reading or watching videos.
Apr 16, 2024