People you haven’t seen in years, wounds healed by time, affordable food and drink, family, watching TV.
If you’re as lucky as me there‘ll be seaside and countryside too. Maybe it wasn’t about the destination, but the friends we made along the way?
Would highly recommend travelling, I did it last year knowing I'd hate it but thought it's something I should do, ended up being the best thing I've ever done
When I was younger my parents would have these big parties in between Christmas and NYE and Mikey would always do the bar.
He loved cats but couldn’t go near Gnarly because she would make his eyes drip and his skin hurt.
He died and it was fucking awful and I still miss him.
A few years ago, shortly after his death, Gnarly got poorly (she was 17 but still kickin) and I had a dream. It was between Christmas and NYE and my parents were having a party. Mikey was sitting on the stairs with Gnarly in his lap and she was chilling out and so happy. His eyes were fine. They were both happy to be around each other!!!!
I woke up to a phonecall from my ma to say Gnarly had died.
There’s no cat allergies in heaven, baby x
Genuinely believe I was born under a lucky star cos I was born with a sunny disposition even tho sometimes I get sad I know that I am so blessed to be here