Honestly a lot of poetry is hard to read and has all these layers which is awesome and makes poetry so cool but I don’t have an English instructor on hand to go line-by-line with me (I mean I kind of do my husband is one but that would be annoying so I don’t ask this of him). Anyway David Berman’s poetry has this, but it is also just beautiful and evocative on its surface and you don’t have to be that smart or good at reading poetry to like or understand it (though I’m sure a smart person who is good at reading poetry would get even more out of it).
So anyway maybe starting with something like this and then rereading it and finding those layers and getting that dopamine hit from understanding poetry but also building those skills and positive association with poetry before reading more challenging stuff. Just my dummy 2¢!
i’ve done this platonically and romantically recently. and both seem to be working out. i love talking on the phone. we should all talk on the phone more often
i haven’t done this yet, but my dear friend meredith has been testing it out. it’s working for her. i’m always going on and on about how badly i want a pen pal, so i’ll approach someone with this soon and report back