incredible story telling, engaging side quests, horse riding simulator, gorgeous setting, cool world building, hot main character... i cannot overstate how much i love this stupid cowboy game
bunny changed the way i interacted with all fiction and helped spark my love of reading again at 18 but strong female character helped me come to terms with being autistic when i was rlly in denial. but in general its a great book to learn more about autism in women and i try to get everyone i know to read it because of that and also because its the funniest book ive read ever!
tried this recipe today! Was super tasty, I’m a sucker for a cake recipe that needs sour cream ufhhhh!! Would recommend using WAYYY less milk in the icing if you want to have an icing similar to the picture and a good bit more lemon zest if you want a proper lemon flavor. all around good recipe that I messed up multiple times and it still turned out tasty!