Originally a French children‘s book, a man‘s plane crashes in a desert in Africa. He meets a little prince who teaches him about life through sharing his stories. It’s really short and sweet.
1 hr read
Like I don’t even know how to explain it cause it’s a children’s book but its themes are deep and moving and eye opening. All the symbolism about love, relationships, time, existentialism, and even death?????? I eat this book up so much
You can read it in an hour. A concise and heartbreaking measure of a life. not only is Kristoph’s life story and bullheadedness remarkable but this book is a master class in keeping only what is needed to tell a story
I like this idea of experiencing something, such as trying a new food, and not jumping to a conclusion of it being good or bad, just witnessing all that comes up instead. When we categorize something as good or bad we end up losing a lot of understanding. It’s the easy way out that gets you no where special. Life has a lot more colors than black and white.