I think i “won” most quiet. I was kinda bummed about it but i didnt say anything. I was also nominated for best hair but this kid who strtwd to bald at 19 won not that thwres anything wrong with that but seems like i shoulda won. The most quiet one may have been eighth grade though i dont remember
It’s been about a decade and I didn’t buy my yearbook + all I remember is that I was a jackass about it and chose something that was intentionally meaningless and flippant to be ironic. I know I wanted to pick the worst picture they took of me at the photography studio as my senior photo but they wouldn’t let me because it wasn’t serious enough. I didn’t walk at graduation either so suffice it to say that I was not a joiner and I could be very annoying about it… whatever it was the spirit still resonates with me but I’ve toned it down and made a substantial effort to become less antisocial lol
is that i won the spelling bee of canada championship in middle school - i think when u meet me it does kind of make sense that i was one of those kids
I don’t know why, maybe it was a joke. But it kind of happened because I actually got out of that small town!
Thinking about it now, that’s a weird category. Most others are going to fail??