this is such an inside joke; but to explain the backstory of what a raise your hand moment is... so my cousin needed to go get makeup at a sephora, but when we came in it was extremly busy that day for some reason and she needed help getting her foundation... i told her lets get some help, but she decided to stand in place and just raise her hand so high up (mind you shes like 5'1) and looking like a little kid raising their hand for the teacher 😭 she did not once move and just left her hand up in place waiting for a worker to come, but i went off to go look for a worker so that she could put her hand down... and thats how a "raise your hand moment" was born! she ended up not even getting the foundation she was looking for because they ran out so she ended up just embarrassing herself even more by raising her hand in place ☠️😭 basically if someone does something dumb in my friend circle, we all say raise your hand moment... because its such a RAISE YOUR HAND MOMENT!
May 8, 2024

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