recently I found some old family photos that I hadn’t looked at in a few years. of my parents, and their parents and even one of my great grandfather (who had amazing cheekbones….) and a lot of photos of young me. there was one of my grandmother standing in front of her school with classmates and just looking Exactly like herself only younger and even cheekier and maybe quieter than she is today and I loved seeing how she dressed herself then knowing she is a Recovering Shopaholic now and basically I feel close to her when I remember and tell a story of her. (She is the diva standing 5th from left)
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May 8, 2024

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I remember coming across my grandmothers wedding photos once when I was a wee kid. And it’s never stopped intriguing me. It’s like they lived separate lives. I’ve only known them since I was born and it makes me curious to know who they were as individuals before me. I stay in the storeroom of my house now, so once every few months I look through all the albums stored here… photos of my parents when they were my age, when they started dating, schooling and having fun. It’s such a bittersweet feeling.
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maybe this doesnt work for everyone BUT my confidence in my physical appearance got so much better when i went through old family photos or did research into where my family comes from. i started to see pieces of myself in those pictures. there’s the bump on my nose! there are my curls! my arm hair! my shoulders! my tummy! my height! and who am i to not be proud to carry pieces of them wherever i go? my mom’s mother died when she was very young. her dad always would tell her that she looked like her mother and had her mother’s nose. my mom would get bullied for her big nose, but never once wanted to change it. that is her mother’s nose as much as it is her own. be proud of things like that! you are more than your image, you are the lives and stories within you.
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