i feel like internet culture has conditioned me to feel like I always have to have an opinion on something. And as a result I’m always judging an artist work as good or bad based on my own individual taste. But it’s absolutely bonkers to think that I’m the target audience for everything an artist that I like makes. Sometime, the song or the painting or the movie ect. Is not for me, and that’s fine. It doesn’t mean what they are producing is bad, it simply means it’s not resonating with me. And thinking this way allows me to respect an artists decision to experiment with their art form a bit more. Because I can only imagine how constricting it must be to feel pressure to create just for people approval and consumption. Maybe sometime the artists just wants to put out a funny little song that makes them happy. And sure, I may not get it and it may not be something I want to listen to, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad, just that it’s not for me, and that’s okay.