my current style is an amalgamation of all that i’ve loved throughout the years of my style evolution and remains ever changing. in highschool, i loved casual and comfy streetwear looks. in college i dressed primarily in pastels and cutesy looks with the occasional dark, romantic element thrown in. i wore uniforms or had strict dress codes for work so i went all out at school since i felt comfy wearing things like classic or gothic lolita looks in the fine arts building. i also discovered mori kei (forest style, she became very important to me later) at this time.
fast forward to now and i’m majorly into the naturalistic and comfy approach. mori kei still has my heart, as i'm nothing but a creature of this earth. i love to juxtapose the masculine and feminine, such as a men’s flannel and a lacy dress. i still love a romantic or gothic element from time to time. as i’ve gotten older, ive began to value slower consumption habits, higher quality/durability and natural fibers. i shop nearly exclusively secondhand now so my style isn’t exactly based in trend.
again, it’s hard for me to give all this a name. i’ve been told artsy, eccentric and hippy-like but regardless i’m comfy and cute! oh, i can’t forget lots and lots of band tees! also no reds or yellows as i have severe yellow undertones and i’m not sure if jaundice-core is a thing yet.