I just love them. they can be cute they can be edgy they’re can sxc af, hell I even love Scream 3 Courtney Cox bangs. Just get them. even cooler if it’s a home job
Got a haircut yesterday and asked the stylist for Sabrina-carpenter-esque curtain bangs (+ a chop + went back to my natural color). She did amazing, this is my first time having bangs since my bowl cut days and I love it, everyone needs a bangs era
I recently got bangs, which is something I had avoided because I didn’t want to look like a carbon copy of my mom (we already look pretty similar) but now that I have them I really love them. they make me feel closer to her in a weird way. photo of her below for reference
or really any social media stories. I know social media is just a highlight of a persons life but I feel like the stories feature is just a bombardment of happening-in-present-time content for me to compare myself to. my mental health has improved drastically.