as someone that overanalyzes everything i make, cares too much about the details and obsesses in the worst ways on my work. its nice to just make a song in 2 hours with not much thoughts or time to let my criticism sink in and just finish something. so heres the song we made + the visualiser
May 11, 2024

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I’m still early on making music — but this is it: I️ played like drums in middle school and then fell out of like “performing“ until adulthood when I️ decided to start DJ-ing. I️ loved that so much I️ was like I️ feel like I️ can make my own things like 6 months ago and I’ve just been making small shitty 2 minute things for myself every day. For me it’s kinda meditative? Like usually no one hears the songs I am making (besides my partner) but it’s really just for me. No clue if any of them will ever reach a record or be on Spotify, but I️ feel like it’s making me greater appreciate music in general.
May 4, 2024
Throughout my whole life, I had awful music teachers. I had a piano teacher that made me sit on my hands because he was frustrated with the way I played scales and a music teacher in primary/middle school that gave me so many anxiety attacks that my doctor finally gave me a note so I didn’t have to go anymore. I was told so many times throughout my life that I had no music talent, discouraged from going further than scales but all of those people (teachers!!!!) were wrong. They just couldnt fathom that I had a different musical brain than them. When I was 23, I ended up having to move back home from LA after my job rescinded their promise to sponsor me for a visa. I was depressed and heartbroken and lonely. I went to school for writing but didn’t want to write anymore so I ended up opening GarageBand on my iPad. I was inspired by all the things I could do on it. I suddenly felt like I was entering a new world. After making a couple beats, I started moving everything over to the laptop version of GarageBand. I bought big headphones, a cheap usb mic and a keyboard off of a guy from Craigslist and continued to tinker. One of my favorite things to do at the time was to download karaoke midi tracks of popular songs I loved, import them into GarageBand and change the instrument until I felt like I was making something new. I would then use my shitty mic to wail on top of it. I used GarageBand for years after that to make tons of songs that I just uploaded to SoundCloud without thinking about it much. Eventually I got a controller/sampler and access to Ableton and thats when the fun really started. My love for music making snowballed after that, I amassed more gear and skill and eventually made an album after a couple years. I was obsessed with making it and while I feel really whatever about it now, I don’t feel whatever about the experience. Music has allowed me space to express parts of me that there are no words for. The best thing I can impart is to take advantage of this. There are some things that you can only explain with a kick drum or a sine wave or a really hard bassline. Music is still a huge part of me! I made another album after that first and now I’m working on my next project. I recently reincarnated myself (everyone in the ~industry~ advised against this but I’m a different person now) and I’m excited to see what’s in store for me. I don’t expect to make money or become famous but music feeds my soul in a way nothing else can. Have fun!!
May 4, 2024
recommendation image
i just got the teenage engineering ep 133 ko ii (whew, what a mouthful.) i don’t yet know all the functions but ive had a blast making a few beats with my limited knowledge. i love the fact that there seems to be no eq—your samples are as they come, with the exception of pitch and amplitude. in the world of DAWs i feel like i am sometimes overwhelmed by options (this sound would be better if i Eq’d it. or maybe the transient has too much attack. or i think it needs to be sidechained to blah blah blah etc). of course these capabilities are incredibly useful, but when making music i feel like you can make a banger with really simple stuff. with the ko ii i just play the audio directly into the machine, sample it where i want it, and play the chops. then i play the drums in by hand. and that’s it and it sounds fucking great
Jan 31, 2024

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