Not only could that mere 10 minute lunch be breaking labor laws depending on where you live, but the implication that you don't have value a couple months in is a huge red flag. They hired you, therefore you have value to them, and they are invested in your success. Either they're trying to play mental games early on to squeeze more out of you than is reasonable, or they're not doing their job in providing enough resources to get the job done under healthy conditions. Itā€™s worth noting whether this is a company-wide culture issue, or if itā€™s just your direct manager too. I don't know the job or what the boss meant by 'work harder,' but it can take anywhere from 1 to 2 years to truly learn a job. Given that it's also your first 'real' gig, there's a whole other dynamic of getting used to a workplace environment, and it's their job to help acclimate you to it. Keep your options open, "manage up" (give honest feedback to your manager about how you feel), connect with your colleagues in the meantime to put pressure on management to change their ways, have your resume updated. If you're starting to burn out and you need to jump ship, it's best to have things in order already, so that stressful situation isn't made worse by feeling like you have to do even more stressful tasks in order to find something else. tl;dr thatā€™s ass.
May 11, 2024

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society is all like ā€œconsistency is keyā€ ā€œjust stick it outā€ ā€œit doesnā€™t look good on a resume to leave before a couple yearsā€ (first job out of school) but let me tell you something!!!! trying to make yourself look good on paper is not worth the mental and emotional strain if you hate your job, do not waste your time. Maybe you need a few months to sus it out, sure donā€™t give up day 1. But never ever ever get too comfortable in a situation you do not like in the first place!!!!! You have got to be your biggest advocate. Otherwise youā€™ll be the only one out here not looking out for your own best interest, and people will use that to their advantage
Mar 11, 2024
but it sounds to me like your company has a sick and toxic culture thatā€™s overly concerned with performance metrics over employee satisfaction and experienceā€¦ quantity over quality mindset and seeing you as a resource to be extracted to maximum benefit. There are a lot of corporations like this with high turnover that hire primarily new college graduates who have no context for what a good job looks like and take advantage of that! Working for a company like this can be demoralizing and the stress and lack of appreciation really grinds you down after a while so I agree with theclack that it might be good to start networking and looking at the other options that are out there for you. I would encourage you when looking at new positions to focus on company culture and read every negative review you can find of whatever company you apply to
May 11, 2024
Been having the shittiest job situation for a while. Being paid minimum wage to do a myriad of different things I did not apply to do (only because they asked for my resume and saw I had other skill sets and without asking slowly integrated it into my work load). Initially because I was more keen on earning the money for a trip I have planned in a month. I just said yes to everything. They slowly started assuming I wasnā€™t opposed to doing anything and would give me random assignments. This also included messaging me during off work hours to tell me (not ask me) to do workā€¦ which I was very shocked by but I thought it was extra money so why not. They also have this thing where they donā€™t ask and they assume my colleague and Iā€™d schedules and without asking just tell us the day before to come in for work which is super unprofessional and disrespectful (imo). Fell sick recently and they managed to somehow send me more work to do while telling me to rest upā€¦ which was somehow my final straw (Should have happened wayyyyyy before). Now I just ignore their messages past a certain time and take my time to do the work. No more 7 day work week and working at ungodly hours. Thereā€™s no credit after all. If youā€™re being paid minimum wage and the work practice seems unethicalā€¦ donā€™t be like me and set boundaries! (If you have the option to of courseā€¦)
Jun 7, 2024

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