damn i love a raspberry and they deserve an emoji. an integral core memory of mine is laying on the grass in between rows of raspberry bushes that my grandparents had and just playing with ants and beetles for hours and eating raspberries off the bushes. worst fruit: idk man i will preface this by saying i don't really hate any fruit but if i had to pick what i think is the worst i would say either pear or banana. overrated! oh wait i forgot about papaya i genuinely hate papaya it's so gross.
May 13, 2024

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Before tomato girl (dumb) there was me making raspberries my whole personality as a teenager (just as dumb). But as a real actual point in their favor they're easy to identify in the woods and I ate from a wild raspberry bush by a lake when I was high on mushrooms once and I felt both like a fairy tale child and also like a euphoric Maenad as I called over other tripping people to partake in the bounty. *There is a non-zero chance this was a different brambleberry, maybe a wineberry, but it tasted the same. Worst fruit is fuck ass cantaloupe. Every time I smell it before I see it I think there is rotting produce in the room.
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especially at the perfect ripeness. apples and blackberries tie for second place šŸŽ iā€™ve always been a veggies over fruit! kinda person so my ā€œleast favoriteā€ list is extensive and i canā€™t choose which is my least fav of all: mango (sorry), cantaloupe, blueberries, peach (sorry), passionfruit, guava, apricot, plum, etc šŸ˜­
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Strawberries are objectively the best because thereā€™s no such thing as a bad one. If itā€™s ripe and sweet, thatā€™s just a plus, but even the not-quite-ready ones are delicious. Refreshing, if you will. Donā€™t get me wrong, thereā€™s so much good fruit, but there are none that I can love in every state and form apart from strawberries. Worst fruit: Pears. Send that shit back to the fiery pits of hell from which it was created.
May 14, 2024

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