Go into this as blind as possible. im always trying to explain this film to people and I just can’t, it’s an experience. Try it out. Maybe you’ll hate it, but you’ll come out of it asking yourself what the hell did I just watch.
This animated movie is the definition of an orginal experience. I have never seen anything that looks like it, how it makes you feel, and just overall vibe. Its best just go into it blind so thats all I will say.
Some of my favorite movie-going experiences weren’t ones I was looking forward to for months but ones where a friend had an extra ticket or someone said “you would like this” and I went in totally blind.
Specifically, last night I saw “Ash Is Purest White” followed by a q&a with director Jia Zhangke. A great film with an absolutely knock out lead performance by Zhao Tao. I didn’t know any of these names before last night.
Take a chance!
I just want to show love to the ELITE Bagel. Whoever was the freak that was like “hear me out let’s put blueberry’s in the dough”, I know they were looking at you crazy but you knew you had a hit on your hands.
Bruh who came up with this phrase? It’s so funny. Idk why but that shit is amazing. Been saying it for years just to throw people off. We need to bring back goofy ass phrases man.
Love it with your chest puffed out. if you fuck with it then say that. I’ve been bumping that new Kacey Musgraves like it’s 09 Gucci with the windows down all week.