This is my ride or die, FOREVER. Everytime I run out, I try other sunscreens and nothing tops this one, I always go back. I cant stand greasy sunscreen texture, this is perfect for me. It just disappears into my skin, and I cant feel it after a few minutes. And it protects my skin very well. (I am as fair skinned as it gets, living in Arizona.)
May 14, 2024

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I have these spiders that live in my house called flatties and I love them. They are so silly and they are always running around. They don't make webs, they hunt their prey like some kind of crab. Did you know tarantulas live 20-25 years? That's incredible. I have many tarantulas that live in my yard and they love chilling outside their hole and night every summer. Before I moved into this house I was so scared of bugs. I had no choice but to face my fears and now I like spiders. Life will change you, won't it? ps. I wanted to include a flattie picture but i decided not to out of consideration for others who are scared of bugs. so google them if you are curious!
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