i found that for me (in the uk), ebay works best. i do tend to end up buying expired film, though, which can be a bit of a gamble, but there's also some relatively cheap non-expired film on there
If you’re a thriftier person than I am, you can find some gems for much cheaper at a thrift store (the only risk is that they don’t work!). I wanted a replacement for disposable cameras, and found this Canon Sure Shot Owl 35mm camera on Depop. It’s super fun and easy to use!
If you’re cool with B&W, Kentmere is the cheapest 35mm film you can buy. Film prices should be rather uniform online and at physical stores, unless you opt to buy expired film.
(alternatively: a deli, a bodega)
the backbone of the craving economy.
u haven't felt truly perceived in the world if the owner of your local corner shop doesn't recognise you
on literally anything & everything. my favourite recipe is korean cheesy corn mayo (with half a jar of smoked paprika, garlic granules and onion powder). the closest i’ve ever been to heaven i think