silly pandemic purchase where I asked a guy at the bike shop to help me order the parts and he just built it for me in exchange for a six pack. The paint job is inspired by vintage Peugeots.
Beautiful doc about skate culture, toxic masculinity, abuse, and friendship. Made me sob when I first watched 6-7 years ago and still makes me tear up when I think of it
My boyfriend brought me this pink lady cocktail while I was catching up on work Sunday night
1 1/2 ounces London Dry gin
1/2 ounce applejack
3/4 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed
1/4 ounce grenadine (he used pomegranate juice to the same effect)
Delicious and strong 🌸 a drink for ladies
always wanted to forage them but can never find. Bought dried ones and rehydrated them to put in a coconut pumpkin chickpea curry and they were soooo good