Whenever I’m really into a song (or songs), I’ll just jot down the date and the song on my notes app. I’ve done this since 2022 and it’s so cool to see my music phases and how my taste has changed. I'd rec!
May 17, 2024

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i’ve been doing this since 2018 and it’s so cool to see my music taste develop and improve since then, documented month by month! i add songs that i’ve been listening to a lot or songs that were recently released, just whatever i’m in the mood for that month! and i can also kind of revisit times in my life by listening to an old month playlist. also, at the end of the year i compile that year’s monthly playlists into a year playlist, and it’s like a longer and more comprehensive wrapped playlist!
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i started in 2018, but every year i make a playlist a month and any new song i like (or rediscover after forgetting) i add to the month’s playlist as someone who loses track of time and can’t keep track of what happened in what year because it all blends for me, it’s a little funny looking back at what music i was listening to during certain events of my life, like breakups and how people i met influenced my music taste. i.e. march of 2018 when i got into lofi and i met a community of small artists who have grown since then or july of 2021 when i got into hyperpop after meeting an ex-roommate. i wish i started this earlier like in june 2015 when i got into kpop everyone i know puts every song they like into one playlist, or their “liked songs” but i love having my songs organized into playlists and folders and one of my favorite things to do is find a theme for the playlist covers :p
Jan 31, 2025
I make a playlist for every month and add whatever I find to it. Been doing this since 2021 and now have loads of fun playlists which are a mix of genres which I can go back to. It’s also an archive of the change in my music taste as time goes on. I love it. You should do it too. Also you’ll sometimes find a song and you don’t know what playlist to put it in, so this deals with that as well
Feb 15, 2025

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