This project is very dear to me… I first saw it at the New Museum back in like 2016 and became obsessed. This is once again a Riot Grrrl adjacent rec… Artist, musician, filmmaker Wynne Greenwood started a band with herself basically. She takes on 3 personas: Tracy (the lead, usually live), and Cola and Nikki (usually projected behind her). It’s hard to explain how incredible this is. Even just timing each video must have been so meticulous. Tracy has live, hilarious conversations with Nikki and Cola. The girls each have such developed personalities. There’s one scene where Nikki asks Tracy to start calling her Nicole (even tho it’s not her name) and then Cola asks to be called Nicole too. IDK they crack me up and the music is honestly really good too! I find it all so inspiring and would love to try to make my own version… Maybe one of these days I will. Wynne has worked with Le Tigre (she made the music video for Hot Topic) and one of the videos for their live performance backdrop last year. I could ramble about this for a long time but I will not — u should go watch some Tracy & the Plastics!
recommendation image
May 18, 2024

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This project is very dear to me… I first saw it at the New Museum back in like 2016 and became obsessed.  Artist, musician, filmmaker Wynne Greenwood started a band with herself basically. She takes on 3 personas: Tracy (the lead, usually live), and Cola and Nikki (usually projected behind her). It’s hard to explain how incredible this is. Even just timing each video must have been so meticulous. Tracy has live, hilarious conversations with Nikki and Cola. The girls each have such developed personalities. There’s one scene where Nikki asks Tracy to start calling her Nicole (even tho it’s not her name) and then Cola asks to be called Nicole too. IDK they crack me up and the music is honestly really good too! I find it all so inspiring and would love to try to make my own version… Maybe one of these days I will. Wynne has worked with Le Tigre (she made the music video for Hot Topic and one of the videos for their live performance backdrop last year.) I could ramble about this for a long time but I will not — u should go watch some Tracy & the Plastics!
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5ninthavenueproject is something I stumbled across recently. Archival footage from the 80s ft. queer culture and the likes. Some glimpses of Rupaul in her earlier days. milatequila for video essays and random takes. OrionCarloto makes really pretty stuff to watch. So does Damon Dominique. Ourmotherlan are a skate collective from Lagos who make some cool stuff. And I have followed BrandiTV since I was like 15. If you ever have an intense need to watch someone do their makeup on edibles, she is the one. Lastly, can’t go past The Cave series by Kenny Beats. literally the funniest
Sep 21, 2024
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