the movie is a about a girl that works a juvenile prison in the 50s during the winter in massachusetts. its such a bizzare bleak environment. it stars thomasin mckenzie and she is such a good actress it’s insane, loved her in “last night in soho” too (also highly rec). she’s def the comic relief in all her weird nuances ~ so many subtle moves with her eyes, or funny inflections with her voice. she’s v good at being the odd one out in the crowd. lately i haven’t had the brain to consume any dramas these days but this movie was refreshingly good and unique. anne hathaway and shea whigham were great too
recommendation image
May 18, 2024

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much better than the 2011 anne hathaway movie. if you're a normal people/fleabag fan, this is for you
Feb 19, 2024
saw it yday by myself, havent read anything, and only talked to one friend abt it so far, but initial reaction: i really liked it. at first i was kind of ”yawn white feminism” “yawn voyeuristic dom fantasy” but i liked the grayness of it and how clumsy their sub dom relationship was at first. that felt honest and funny. and though i guess the sex was important to the movie, it wasn’t really about that. ultimately, it seemed that puritanism and corporate feminism and the masking it encourages became the villain. and that i can get behind. i look forward to watching it again or hearing from others and seeing how my perspective changes. also i’ll watch nicole kidman in anything really and the shots of harrison dickinson in the tank w the little gold chain is my kinda female gaze.
Jan 5, 2025
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Saw this at Quad Cinema in 2021, and has become a favorite ever since. Anne is a 27-year old daycare worker who is socially disconnected, and unsure of her role in adulthood. Her life radically changes when she tries skydiving, though as an audience, we’re unsure of the kind of release she finds from it. Excellent Canadian indie about coming-of-age in your mid/late 20s. Deragh Campbell is great as Anne, who’s undiagnosed anxiety disorder keeps her a step behind from relating to her peers or finding a sense of happiness. It’s a brisk 75 minutes that’ll have you thinking far after the movie is over. Bought the beautiful poster from Posteritati in the East Village and it remains one of my favorites in my poster collection.
Feb 17, 2024

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