Been in the uk for 7 years now and I’ve gone to lengths to avoid doing or saying anything bri’ish. But I appreciate the function and feeling of these words
Cheers (omg this one used to be painful but it’s actually useful)
Also just some of the many British words that will never come out of my mouth
On holiday
i don’t mean like analyze vs analyse i mean tube=chewb, club = clurb, like = loike, law = laur, literally = licherally, scared = sca’ed, water = watuh… etc….
phone app list of new things to sneak into conversations. This is mine, so far I’ve successfully used
- bright boy
- not your shade of green pal (for traffic lights)
- what’s the scheme hildy
Most stolen from movies but with my NZ accent have a bold new spin
-Don’t get wifi on planes
-Look up from phone on bridges/around bodies of water
-Headphones actively taken out when there are buskers, street performers, preachers
-Phone fully powered off during movies
-Phone stays in pocket at concert
-Exchange phone number with a crush instead of Instagram
-No more than 2 cameras on a person blowing their bday candles out
-If you have find my friends only use it for emergencies
No problem with cyborg behavior tho if you’re owning it
In college I crushed on a guy with a mullet then realized I could just get my own mullet. Thought this dude in a bolo tie recently was so hot then I just started wearing a bolo tie. Surface level crushes are the perfect inspo source