Long live the Notes app, but nothing beats just writing something down right as it pops into your head. To serve the sense of urgency at all times, one will inevitably collect a large and eclectic array of notebooks and notepads. I am considering getting one of those slates that scuba divers use to communicate underwater and keeping it in the shower.
Not religious myself, but I’m a big fan of the architecture and quiet gardens surrounding it. The chapel itself was closed when I visited, and the glass walls acted as an uncanny barrier between myself and what seemed a space frozen in time—both separate and joined to the world outside of it.
Frank Loyd Wright Jr.‘s glass walled chapel, enshrouded by trees and flowers.
Photo shot on Kodak Retina Reflex.
Climbed a 6 foot wall to take this photo through the side of the building, and almost broke my ankle on the way down. B)
Interior of Wayfarers Chapel, touched by dappled sunlight.
Photo shot on Kodak Retina Reflex.