pretty cool quiz, but now i'm gonna have to read his work to find out why this is so
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May 20, 2024

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i could see this, though i was kind of hoping i would get more Nietzche "A great scientist and a great philosopher, Kant aimed to fuse the writings of Newton with the philosophy of his day. For Kant, the human mind contains the faculties that appear to us to be woven into the physical universe (such as quantity, causality, totality existence, etc.). These faculties interact with reality as it exists in itself, creating a synthesis that appears to us as “objectively true” while being, in fact, only true according to the synthesis between the rational categories of the human mind and the raw “stuff” of reality which is unknowable to us in its unsynthesized form. Kant was also a notable thinker in the domain of ethics, where he developed the rules-based approach to ethics and summed up his teaching in the categorical imperative: An action can only be ethical if it can be followed as a general principle by all members of society, in all similar situations"
May 19, 2024
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Kant: A great scientist and a great philosopher, Kant aimed to fuse the writings of Newton with the philosophy of his day. For Kant, the human mind contains the faculties that appear to us to be woven into the physical universe (such as quantity, causality, totality existence, etc.). These faculties interact with reality as it exists in itself, creating a synthesis that appears to us as “objectively true” while being, in fact, only true according to the synthesis between the rational categories of the human mind and the raw “stuff” of reality which is unknowable to us in its unsynthesized form. Kant was also a notable thinker in the domain of ethics, where he developed the rules-based approach to ethics and summed up his teaching in the categorical imperative: An action can only be ethical if it can be followed as a general principle by all members of society, in all similar situations.
May 22, 2024
this is kant using the book of genesis to anchor his theory of history. this is react content of the enlightenment that my internet broken brain demands to make sense of a confusing world short and accessible and far and away my favorite of his writings. sadly will always be overlooked for his boring works on metaphysics (nerds literally screaming crying throwing up)
Nov 7, 2023

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