first thing i do when i wake up is remember what i dreamed last night and write it down in the notes app, i try to give as much detail as possible. the when a few days/weeks/months have past i read what ive written down and just start lmao-ing bc it is genuinely the craziest sht. its really fun
It’s slow going at first but then it’s like channeling a cryptic, psychic version of yourself daily. Write down whatever nonsense you recall when you first open your eyes or it kinda leaks away. Listen to the beginners guide to dream interpretation by Clarissa pinkola Estes for a primer. Why not??!
i could have it everyday tbh
this is my ranking but since i’m spanish and from madrid, ill add El Cocido Madrileño as one of my favs. (altho it’s quite a heavy dish for a sunday dinner, more of a sunday lunch kind of soup)