1. just don't accept the invitation. (I used to be a person who flaked almost every time. now I just don't go to things I know I won't enjoy) 2. get your bloodwork done (I put it off, now it bites me in the ass) 3. you don't have to say "sorry" as a sentence opener & you don't have to start your question with "sorry can I ask a question?" just ask. you won't come off as cocky just as confident. 4. buy it if you've been thinking about it for two weeks minimum (even better if it's been month or more) 5. sincerity, vulnerability and curiousity make life interesting. shame, embarassment and awkwardness make life miserable. 6. guilt and pleasure don't go together. 7. nature, man. touch grass, eat fruit. 8. hating someone or something is okay. 9. actually, you're not the person you are at 4 p.m. on a monday. you're the person you are at 3 a.m. on a friday. 10. don't judge. ever. like ever. absolutely never.
May 20, 2024

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iā€™m gonna play spider man 2 until i canā€™t see anymore
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hey! I spent numerous of my birthdays alone, so here's what worked for me 1. make a playlist of your favourite songs. literally every song you ever liked from when you were 10 to now. 2. go to your favourite place, but if you don't have one then just go to a park or a museum. I love people watching while listening to music. 3. book a spa day. that one I haven't tried but sounds fun. spa is better in solitude anyway. 4. eat your favourite food. honestly a game changer lol food is the most amazing thing we as species have created. 5. do something you enjoyed as a kid. painting, blowing bubbles, making sand castles. it makes you feel so good, like you're reconnecting with something that's been asleep deep inside you. 6. if you're not scared to talk to strangers then talk with someone you don't know. at a pub or in a line. could be fun. happy early birthday!
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missed me yet? iā€™m back and i love reading these little posts
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